Prayer Ministry Opportunities
Listed below are types of prayer ministry appointments available at C+H Ministries. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact our office at (478) 257-7932
or email:
Please always confirm the scheduled ministry!
Weekly Prayer Ministry (by Appointments ONLY.)
~ The model we follow is to "Listen, Love and Pray."
~ Private prayer ministry times are scheduled with a team of two prayer ministers.
~ Our initial session is approximately 1.5 hours; follow-ups are for 1 hour.
~ Appointments are scheduled by contacting C+H Ministries.
~ Appointments are REQUIRED; please call our office: (478) 257-7932, or email
~ Completed Intake forms are required before first session.
Please click on the link below to download the complete Intake form:
Mail completed set of forms to: Christ the Healer Ministries
Attn: Rev. Katy Tosh
PO Box 27466
Macon, GA 31221
Soaking Prayer Ministry
Soaking Prayer consists of quiet times, set aside at our prayer house, for you to be still before the Lord.
Together we wait patiently and rest in His presence as very loving and spirit-filled music is played.
The Holy Spirit is always present to comfort and heal!
Sessions are scheduled as needed and by appointment.
Visit our VIRTUAL SOAKING ROOM on our website and experience God's presence in the
comfort of your own home!